24 June 2007
After 26 posts (this being the 26th), this blog has ended.Yep, I've moved to LJ!http://heytheremelissa.livejournal.comSee ya there!
20 June 2007
This might be my very last post on this blog.
I'm moving to LJ (livejournal)!!
I've already gotten the address and account, but nothing's up there yet, so I'll reveal my new blog once I get the time to work my magic at LJ :]
Yah, yah. I know.
Those of you who've known me for long enough would know about my incurable fondness for changing my blog addresses.
I think I've had...err...around 5 different addresses before?
*shakes head*
My personal favourite was actually noonereallycaresaboutyourteenageangst.
Yup, I've been a fan of ridiculously long blog addresses since godknowswhen (well, actually since P!ATD came to my life LOL).
Hmm, these days I've been locked up (not really) at home studying.
Not really mugging, because at this point of time, my subjects don't require that.
It's a very refreshing change from my secondary school double science days, when 'studying' involved me staring blankly (between falling asleep very unglam-ly at my study chair) at the symbols and numerals until they somehow get absorbed into my memory.
One word.
But now, wow. Studying's very different.
Of course, it's still stressful and (sometimes) sleep inducing, but the interest for the subjects are just there (but erm, not really for maths...sorry Mr Chow!!!) and the notes are very interesting, so to me, it's really not mugging at all.
That's why if I don't score well this time (or TAL-ME...H2 econs faculty inside joke, sorry), it's not because I don't want to study...it's just that I really don't know how to answer the bloody question!!! (I hope someone of importance stumbles upon this.)
So yeah, there it is.
AHHH I can't wait till the exams are over...I've already written of stuff to do!!
Well, at least I've got something to look forward to. To me, if there's nothing to look forward to, there's no point in living.
I'm dead serious.
Oh yes, I'll leave you with something Enqi, Althea, Bhavna and I came up with on FAPS that day using those magnetic words thingys :]
Just in case you can't see properly, it says 'Skip school & philosophy lecture too. Education is a lunch weed. Bust me brain. Skip college...but I like art & kopi! Y blow the dumb coffee? Drink beer.'
I added punctuation marks to make the sentences more effective :]
Haha ciao people, mwah!
14 June 2007
Okay...after the serious posts, here comes the pictures!
These are taken by me at the FAPS Photo Race, two weeks ago.
Taken outside Tampines Mall...right after we kena scolded for taking pictures at Macs.
Taken in an MRT...I love using the shutter speed function!!
A closeup of the sole of Johan's shoe, a candidate for our 'Orange' theme.
Flowers, along Orchard Road. Another candidate for our 'Orange' theme.
An orange, literally. Taken at Cold Storage in Taka.
Jars of tomato paste, if I didn't remember wrongly.
Who knew 100 plus bottles were so alluring?
CHEESE (again)!! My group members and I :]
A filled dustbin. Taken at godknowswhere on the way to Arab Street.
Random ones I snapped.
My personal favourite...isn't it nostalgic?
Althea's back. I like this a lot too.
Yup, we took so many pictures!
But it was rad...I love just going round taking random pictures now! Whoot!
I also love the fact that all the pictures turn out somewhat awesome because of the good quality of the camera haha!
Oh yes.
Quaker Baked Apple granola bars are the shit.
They're only 90 calories (good for a serial-snackers-on-a-diet like myself) per bar, taste AMAZING, handy and...
...make good camwhoring objects.
So BHB right?
Haha. I'm surprised at myself too.
Oh yes, a few of us went back to school on Tuesday to shift out all the stuff from the FAPS room cuz the counselling people wanna take over it.
WTFH, I know.
Anyway, it was so fun clearing up all the old negatives and pictures...I even kapo-ed some and brought them home!
I almost stole a tie, but Miss Norzian told me that we couldn't :[
I still stole an old FAPS collar pin, though!
I'll wear that on my uniform, fo shizzle. Remember to check it out!
Till then, cheerio!
13 June 2007
WORRY [wur-ee, whur-ee]
to torment oneself with cares, anxieties, etc. or suffer from disturbing thoughts; fret; trouble; plague
Is the word good or bad?
Should we worry, or not?
Well, I decided to do this post because it dawned onto me that every decision we make is somehow linked to our worries and fears for the worst.
I myself am quite a worrywart.
I worry about my studies, my friends, my family, my life, people's impressions of me...and I even worry that I'll end up dumbfounded when I order something from a coffeeshop and have to use my half-past-six Mandarin to make an order to the Chinese educated uncle or auntie.
I worried for my O Levels so much that before every paper, I had nightmares of me dying in a different way...EVERY NIGHT.
No idea why, though.
I promised myself to stay calm and just do the papers to the best of my ability...and I was calm.
But I suppose subconsciously, I still worried.
So once the O Levels were over, I decided to have a change in attitude.
I used to care and fret over TONS of stuff, even worried about things that I very well knew I couldn't change, no matter how much I wished.
I remember when I used to rant about everything.
Geez. I was a fireball.
And it wasn't good for me or for anyone else around me.
So right now, the Melissa you're seeing is the (considerably) more apathetic one.
But enough about me.
I just hate it when everyone's so dogged down by worries that nothing gets done and everyone just ends up getting insomnia, wrinkles and high blood pressure.
I'm not saying that we should be totally apathetic and not worry at all, but worry in moderation.
What's the use of just sitting there worrying about the worst that could happen?
Might as well just weigh the possibilities of a mishap or mistake and look at the matter logically and calmly, right?
Of course, this is the idealist in me speaking once again.
Of course, I worry too.
Of course, I might even be contradicting myself.
But it's just frustrating when people around me keep throwing their worries to me, expecting me to compromise and give up something I wish to do so badly just so that they won't worry.
(I won't elaborate, because I know that the worry is all out of love and concern, but seriously, the probability of a mishap is LOW.)
What could I do?
I can't possibly go round pretending that I'm fine. That'll make me a hypocrite.
But, I can't possibly go round sulking too. That'll make me a brat.
I want to live my life to the fullest, but I also know the importance of responsibility to myself and others around me.
Ah, life's confusing like that.
Oh well, I'll leave that matter to time.
Till then, ciao.
11 June 2007
Life's been good these days.
Just had a steamboat/bbq thing at my place with (part of) the crew...it was awesome catching up :]
Today, the WMRC had a study session at my place too...well, it wasn't as productive as I hoped, but it was rad.
I've been getting so many headaches (literally) these days that it's scaring my parents haha. I've consumed at least one Panadol a day for over the past week...I mean, I'm very prone to headaches, but it's kinda bad this time.
I told my mom that I probably have brain tumour or cancer or something...she went 'CHOY!' to me.
You know, I could blog about a lot of stuff that's happening around me...but I think I shall just keep all that for my personal diary and my close friends...I'd prefer not creating a whole cloud of controversy with whatever I post on my blog...blogs are too public.
Anyway, I just got my new phone today. Sony Ericsson K800i (in velvet black, duh!)
3.2 megapixel camera, dudes!
Hmm, I think that I should just leave this entry with this hilariously ridiculous music quiz shit thing I stole from WW's blog haha!
1. Put your music player on shuffle.
2. Press forward for each question.
3. Use the song title as the answer to the question even if it doesnt make sense. NO CHEATING!
4. Tag 5 ppl at their tagboard to ask them to do this!
5. Bold the questions and with the answers, give your own comments on how it relates to the questions.
How are you feeling today?
The Lover And The Liar by Chiodos.
Err...hmm. Kinda makes sense. Err...wait. Not really, no.
Will you get married?
Take Me Away by Avril Lavigne.
HAHAHA!! I wonder who would :]
What is your best friend's theme song?
What is the story of your life?
Who Knows by Avril Lavigne.
Haha...pretty true. Even I'm confused myself.
What was primary school like?
Memphis Will Be Laid To Waste by Norma Jean.
Err...doesn't make sense. NEXT!
How can you get ahead in life?
Blue Eyes Blue by Eric Clapton.
So...I gotta buy blue contacts?
What is the best thing about your friends?
Guess God Thinks I'm Abel by Oasis.
What is in store for this weekend?
From The Inside by Linkin Park.
I'll be stuck at home or something? Ah, I guessed so...gotta study o_0
What song describes you?
Ain't It Fun by Guns N Roses.
This is both a compliment and insult. I'm fun, but I'm an 'it'?!?!?!
How is your life going?
I Don't Feel Like Dancin' by The Scissor Sisters.
Yeah, basically cuz I can't dance.
What song will they play at your funeral?
In Moments Like These by some Christian choir.
Man! I was wishing for Helena by MCR. Oh well...I hope everyone doesn't mourn when I go. *watches everyone reel in laughter*
How does the world see you?
Crash And Burn by Simple Plan.
Will you have a happy life?
Alert The Audience by The Lawrence Arms.
What do your friends really think of you?
The Geeks Get The Girls by American Hi-fi.
Do people secretly lust after you?
Shores Of California by The Dresden Dolls.
How can I make myself happy?
The Take Over, The Break's Over by Fall Out Boy.
So I gotta get off my break and start working my ass off to take over something?
What should you do with your life?
Welcome To My Life by Simple Plan.
HAHAH! Make a movie/reality show on my life then?
Will you ever have children?
S.O.S by Good Charlotte.
OMGAH. Is this implying that my future husband (if he's even existing) or me is gonna have some fertility problem?! Or...does that mean that I'll be so bloody strict that it'll be what my kids would be saying?? Or...does that mean that my kids would be such little devils that I'll be screaming that with my other half? Yikes.
Haha that was fun...and an utter waste of time.
But hey, it's all good :]
Ciao for now, people. Stay happy.
And read WW's blog...it's insightful. (SEE! Not emo okay.)
05 June 2007
Imagine this.
You've wanted this thing for the longest time.
You've dreamt about It, both in the day and night.
You've created little scenarios in your head of what you would say when people ask you about It in the future.
"I love It! I've never felt better...we're a match made in heaven!", you'd reply.
Oh, that feeling of bliss when you'll hold It to your pounding heart.
You cross out the days on your calendar till the day It'll be yours.
All yours.
Thoughts of It flood your mind and you think of nothing else.
You keep a picture of It in your wallet, iPod, computer, car, bathroom...and your heart.
You ask if it's love, or just infatuation.
You're not sure. But you don't really bother.
On the last night of eager anticipation, you stare at the cross filled calendar.
Oh, how many teary eyed gazes it had endured from you.
"Thanks, for being here for me. You've taunted me time and time again by making me waiting so long, so long. But it'll soon be over, and I thank you for teaching me patience." with that, you take the black marker that's so familiar to you and draw a firm 'x'.
You lie in your (now) lonely bed and give a resounding sigh.
How slowly the past months crawled by.
There were days when you felt that you wanted to throw in the towel.
Your heart felt a whip lash across it whenever you see someone else with their own.
How blessed they looked.
How much you envied them.
But you knew your day would come.
All you had to do...was wait.
You looked out for possible candidates, but in vain.
They were either too unfriendly, too aesthetically unpleasing or just plain overrated.
But that very fateful day arrived.
That day, you noticed It.
It took your breath away.
Its charm, Its intellect, Its good looks...It was the epitome of perfection.
You knew It was THE ONE.
THE ONE that people say only appears once in your lifetime.
From that day on, you worked towards It, getting to know It better, loving It more and more each day, after day, after day...
Your eyelids are getting heavier.
You know it's time for you to rest.
It's going to be one hell of an emotional, life changing day tomorrow...
You wake up to the warm beams of the sun caressing your face.
You jump out of bed, get dressed and head out.
You take light, brisk steps.
The feeling is so surreal.
You run into a stranger and he gives you a smile.
The whole world seems to smile when you're happy.
You step into the designated place and you feel like you're floating on cloud nine.
The time had finally arrived.
You wait expectantly for those special words...and that special package.
And then the words are dropped...
Like a bomb.
You can't believe your ears.
This cannot be true.
Your mind is frozen.
You can't think straight.
You can't even cry.
You ask again.
The answer refuses to budge...
Were you thinking of something else?
I got inspiration for this spur of the moment thing because I was supposed to get a new phone today cuz my current one screws up quite a bit...BUT I realised I have to wait six more days till the 21 month contract's over...so I can pay less for a new one.
I was so looking forward to one, though.
Oh well.
Six days to go!!
03 June 2007
Okay, so I suppose you (yes, you) have decided to continue reading on.
Well, you've been warned.
So the whole of today I've been in a pissy mood.
Yeah Melissa the 'emo kid' had made a comeback.
I woke up tired and didn't even want to give proper replies to anyone.
I just wanted to be all alone.
In silence.
With no one to tell me stuff I don't give a flying f**k about.
(See, I told you my vulgar side has prevailed.)
Anyway, I went for mass in church and that made me feel a bit better.
After that, I got home and dyed my hair (supposed to be medium golden brown, but the change ain't obvious. BLOODY DYES!) and went online for a while.
Talked to WW and Ros.
My mood was pretty good then.
For dinner, my dad decided to bring my mom and me to that Hong Kong Cafe we had been to a while ago.
When we got there, this woman sitting in a table next to us just gave me this look.
That kind that makes you want to slap her.
That sort of 'omg-look-at-me-I'm-so-much-better-than-you' look.
I don't know what the hell I did for her to look at me that way.
But I just gave random glares back.
(I'm pretty pro in that sorta shit. I'm not proud.)
I thanked God when they switched tables for us and we got to sit inside. Far away from that douchebag.
Anyway, Mom had been going on and on about how I should lose weight and yeah, she's pretty obsessed with going to the gym and eating healthy.
(I put on weight the time my parents weren't around so I guess I should lose some.)
So anyway, I (unhappily) had to order some lame unshiok shit.
I got Seafood Chowder and a polo bun.
I thought the chowder (which was $4.80) would be quite filling but when the bowl came, I was like 'F**king hell! Bloody rip off!'
It was as large as the bowls that they give you at other restaurants for the soup that comes with the set meals!
The pieces of 'seafood' were so bloody tiny.
Hell, they weren't even pieces, they were more like bits.
The polo bun was good. That was the only saving grace.
It was only 90 cents.
Like WTF right?
So then I ordered a drink. It was supposed to be some ice blended mango shit with bits of pomelo and mango. The picture made it look promising.
3 bucks.
It sucked.
I had to dig (for long periods of time, mind you) for minute bits of mango and it was such a rip off.
There was more ice and (very probably) mango essence than anything else.
Might as well buy bubble tea right?!
Oh, talking about bubble tea, I got this Honeydew and Sago dessert in a bubble tea cup that day at Tampines MRT.
It was damn good.
And it was $1.50.
At the end of the meal, my parents and I were like 'Such a rip off. We shan't go there anymore...maybe only for the polo bun.'
Honestly, that cafe gets a whole lot of publicity from the media and all that but it's seriously too expensive.
Some of the food there is good, but the rest are really average.
And the prices, whoa, don't go there when you don't want to burn a hole in your pocket.
Enough about food.
Right now, my knee hurts like hell and I'm having a fever (again).
Add that on to the weirdass fatigue spells I've been getting.
I'll still do some of my maths, though.
I realise I've been slacking off a whole week.
That ain't good.
So I shall stop my rant here.
I hope tomorrow would be a better day.
*thinks happy thoughts*