31 May 2007
My sleep patterns are seriously screwed up.
I slept at 2am and woke up at 2pm. (Big deal, I can hear some of you go.)
I opened my eyes today, took a peek at my clock (Winnie the Pooh, I'm ashamed to say that), saw I that it was 2pm and I just shouted 'WHAT THE F**K!'.
I didn't really care to censor myself at that point of time...plus, the parentals aren't at home.
But they're coming back tomorrow at 7.45pm!!
Yeah, freedom is awesome and all, but I realised that I'm not really a person who could survive all alone at home.
But I thank all my amazing friends/neighbours/relatives for their company and concern this whole week when I'm at home.
Okay, random explosion of affection aside, I feel that it's time for the long overdue pictures of the Navy Open House/Runway.
Maybe I'll put in some random pictures in too. Wootage!
(Above) Sonia and me on the bus. She wanted to camwhore so that her new phone won't feel so empty :]

(Above) View from the window in the massive ship we had a tour of.
(Above) From inside the ship. Someone *cough*WW*cough* seemed to enjoyed it a whole lot eh?

(Above) Taken while we came out of the ship. The inside was amazing, may I say.
(Below) We took a ride in this ship-ish thingy. It was EXACTLY like the one they used in MCR's The Ghost of You video!! It was raaaaaad.
(Below) I'm getting pretty lazy about adding captions to all the pictures and blogger's a douche when it comes to uploading pictures cuz of the damned extra spaces that magically appear when I add a picture (HEARD THAT, blogger.com?)...SO, I'll just put them up :]

Yep. That's it for the Navy Open House (there are actually lots more)...now for the Runway!!
I was the makeup woman for Sufie and got my liquid eyeliner 'stolen' by some other contestant. BOOHOO!!
The inverted commas are because she didn't mean to steal it...she just borrowed and forgot to return it.
I think.
Anyway, when I was done, I went back into the audi and sat with the twins :]
It was nice catching up.
The show was really good. I was impressed!
And congrats to Jacq for winning second place!! So proud of her *wipes tear*...but I know someone else's even MORE proud of her. MWAHAHAHAHA!!
Anyway, some personal pictures with Sufie/twins/Bibble!!

Yeah, if the pictures all look 'posed' (like someone mentioned before HAHA), the truth is, they are.
HAHA. My crew and I are such camwhores.
Uhm...some random pictures, perhaps?
(Above) The old school. Ahh. Memories :]
(Below) Mouth watering food, courtesy of the neighbour.

I just realised how busy I am/was.
I had so many events!!
Tampines Town Council Night, Choir Concert, various going outs with friends, visit to Ros's house today...
Oh yes!!
I must mention this.
Today, when I went to Ros's place, I got intro-ed to her grandma and grandaunt and her grandma was like (in Hokkien) 'Why is your friend so small?'
Then she asked me to come closer and asked (all in Hokkien) 'Why are you so small sized? Did your mum feed you enough?'
Funny thing number 1: I don't understand Hokkien (except for the vulgarities) so I just stood there smiling like a total dork and looked at Ros for translations.
Funny thing number 2: I was thinking 'OMG I THINK I'M GROWING FATTER AND LARGER AND SHE'S SAYS I'M SMALL!!!'. Honestly, I thought she'll ask if my mum fed me TOO MUCH, not TOO LITTLE.
Ohmaigou I almost died laughing.
Alright, I think I'll end here.
29 May 2007
I am seriously nuts.
I didn't sleep a wink at all (bascially doing my TSD stuff that I put off till now. I'm NOT proud.) and I don't plan on sleeping today.
And I've got my FAPS Exco interview at 10.30am. ROFL. It'll be super funny.
Then I'll be doing PW GPP after that.
Imagine the amazing output I'll provide.
Anyway, went to meet up with Ros at Macs today in our attempt to finish our TSD journals and assignments. Felt pretty cheated cuz we spent 99% of the time talking ROFL. (I ditched my friends' invitation to watch POTC 3 for it, sob sob.)
I got coffee number one:
...it was sub-standed. Why am I not surprised?
In an attempt for her to concentrate, Ros took out her Ronan Keating album:
...apparently, he helped her through the O Level A Maths times.
Ahh...those times.
Then, WW came to join us.
The TSD situation didn't get any better ROFL.
WW decided to be creative and bought a large Sprite and an ice cream cone to make a float.
It was pretty amusing. I even took a video of it (kinda) fizzling.
Here's a picture of it:
...at the same time, I got coffee number two aka cappucino:

...I seriously thought it sucked.
It didn't even compare up to kopitiam kopi (which, I think, is one of the best).
I was disappointed. But I needed my caffine.
In a last ditch effort, Ros took out her 'FOCUS!' card:
...but sorry, hun. It doesn't work :p
Sonia then smsed me to tell me she saw Bibble and the twins at the cinema.
ROFL! What a coincidence!
We told her we were attempting to do our TSD and she came to join us.
Soon after, we were chased out.
We then went to the library.
And this really freaky dude was sitting at a couch near our table being really weird.
His shirt was half buttoned.
He was sneezing and wiping his whatits on his shirt.
He looked like a total wreck.
He had a laptop and kept giggling at smiling sadistically at it.
We guessed it was porn.
But when he put his laptop down and went to walk around for a while, we peeped and realised it was a forum...or was that what he wants us to think?
Anyway, whenever he walked past me, I srsly shivered.
Like the four times he walked past, I shivered and prayed he won't have an outburst or godknowswhat.
I felt so vulnerable.
Just like on Sunday, when I was stranded at a bus stop till past midnight all alone and had to walk to the main road to hail a cab (which took forever to come).
I felt so vulnerable I almost cried.
Thinking back, I felt kinda wimpy.
But I guess my extreme fatigue and effects of being all alone w/o my parents waiting at home got into me.
Oh well.
Right, I think I'd better get off now.
Maybe I'll watch tv till it's time to go to school or something.
Oh yes, I was wary of 3:00 AM, "witching hour" which evil spirits use to mock the Holy Trinity. Significantly, it is the opposite of 3:00 PM, traditionally taken to be the hour at which Jesus died.
On the stroke of 3:00 AM, a black grasshopper/locust/whatsit flew into my room.
I was thinking of the significance of a locust and the colour black.
I don't know, but I freaked out.
So I listened to some Christian songs to feel more at ease and said a prayer for protection.
Maybe I'm just being ridiculous, but I was srsly scared.
I need a rosary.
I've not been saying it enough.
The one Auntie Irene gave for my Confirmation is too tiny haha.
I shall go buy one at Holy Trinity tomorrow :]
Alright, that's enough of me.
27 May 2007
Okay...I know I'm supposed to come up with a super long blog entry with lots and lots of pictures of the Navy Open House and TPJC Runway, but...I digress.
I went to HMV after over (a very, very painful) two months with Bibbles today and man, was I happy :]
I was tempted to buy so many albums...I think my wishlist amounted to around 10? Haha...but I had to cut down...so I spent a good one hour doing so.
In the end, I settled on three that I never really intended to buy before I entered.
I got:

I've just listened to them all and they're AMAZING.
The last one was a surprise cuz I never really bothered to pay any attention to them...until I heard them being played over the speakers in HMV.
Gosh, I was hooked.
Almost bought:

...and a few others more...but I'm too tired right now to find the pictures HAHA.
Tomorrow's gonna be another busy day.
Meeting with CX and WW at Bedok Library in the morning and then I'll be heading to the twins' house to watch POTC 2...then I'll be going back to Tampines interchange for that Town Council celebration.
CX, WW and I have volunteered to be the assistant stage managers.
Miss Norzian made it sound pretty daunting, but I'm stoked, either way.
Alright, I'll stop here, ciao!
"Mama, we're all gonna die."
24 May 2007
AHHHH.The last week of term is said to be the busiest and hell yeah, it is.Firstly, our class is so bloody tiny that the econs teacher's like 'Is the attendance always this poor for this class?'. ROFL.And, our makan/crap talking table is SUPER empty.It used to be bursting with people!Now, even our bags have seats to themselves.Ah.Plus, those of us who are left in school have so much stuff to catch up with.Thankfully, our maths subject test is over.Tomorrow is gonna be rad, I tell you.Lessons are as per normal but after school, we have a Navy Open House to go to!!We even get to ride on those cool ships they use!!Then after that's over, we have the TPJC Runway to attend!!I'm going to help Bibble and Sufie out. They wanted me to bring all my accessories cuz appararently, every one of mine are rock-themed...and that's what they want for the design.I've gotta do rock-ish makeup for Sufie too.Whoa, since when was I considered an expert?But, I'm not complaining, though :]Mom and Dad would be away from early tomorrow morning till next Friday.Mom's been stuffing all the household matters (how to operate the washing machine, etc) to me. HAHA!!And she's bought lots of food for me to cook.I think I'll end up eating pasta almost everyday...whoohoo!!Something even funnier would be the fact that she put up post-its at all the important places so that I won't forget.HAHA!!I think she really doesn't trust my memory. (Actually, I don't trust my own memory either)Check these out:

And see what our conversation just now consisted of:
Mom: Remember to lock and close the door when you go out ah.
Me: Of course lah! How can I forget such stuff?
Mom: I don't know...you might be SO excited to go out that you just run out and forget to do so.
Me: 0_o
Mom: And remember to call Daddy if you have any problem ah. The time is the same in China.
Me: Okay...even if the house has been robbed?
Mom: 0_o
Alrighty then, I better get off and finish up my TSD journal or Miss Norzian's gonna kill me.
21 May 2007
(Back row: Ros, Steph, WW, Conan)(Front row: Jacq, Gissy, Ernie, Bhav, Me, CX) Ain't that the sweetest thing?
It was taken during Midsummer's Night Dream on Friday. Btw, the show was AMAZINGGG.
I don't know where the other pictures are, though. I think Miss Norzian and Bhavna haven't uploaded them yet. We camwhored HAHA!!
Waiwan says I shouldn't say 'Aw' too much.
But how can I resist when he and *ahem* are so...cute?
Cannot lah!
Aw. (WW, eat your heart out!)
MWAHAHAHA. I'm so evil.
And so dead.
20 May 2007
You know, ever since I got a new layout, I've been itching to blog more...just to keep up with the radness of it all.
Uhm, currently I'm TRYING to figure out how the heck I'm gonna start on my TSD assignment.

UHHHHHH. HOW TO DO???!!!I think I'll just use my (overused) powers of crapping to get through it. Waiwan told me that Miss Norzian was contemplating an extension...but I know I've still gotta do it by today...but I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
And I'm feeling stressed (wait a minute, since when was I NOT stressed?) about the stuff coming up. They warned us that the last week of the term was the busiest.
I could not disagree more.
Let's see what I have to do:
1) TSD Assignment
2) TSD Journal (long long long not updated)
3) Literature Presentation shit (I'm doing it with Ros online tonight, though)
4) Study for Maths Faculty Test (WHERE THE HELL DID ALL MY A MATHS KNOWLEDGE GO TO?!?!?!?)
5) Catch up on Econs (I'm super behind on Firms and all that shit)
6) Complete reading The Handmaid's Tale (which won't be tough) and Great Expectations (just saying the title makes me sleepy...God save me)
Uhh...that's all that I can remember now.
I've SO gotta take up the holidays for revising.
AND, the Pre U Seminar people won't be around THE WHOLE WEEK.
ZOMG. The class is gonna be so empty.
AHHH I'll miss them all!!
Anyway, to digress a bit, I've been hearing quite a bit about this shop 'Pinkberry' in the US and I was curious (and obviously bored) and went to find out more about it.
It was founded by a Korean lady, named Hyekyung Hwang (a.k.a. Shelly).
WHOA. Azn pride, yo.
Here's how she looks like:
And, my God. The description of the menu was so bloody hunger pang- inducing lah.Read this:
"...It's a frozen yogurt shop that serves actual frozen yogurt. Nonfat selections include plain and green tea (flavored with real green tea powder from the Japanese market, with all the benefits). Both are complemented by fresh fruits like mango, blueberries, and watermelon.
For sugar lovers, there are plenty of traditional toppings like chocolate chips, Fruity or Cocoa Pebbles, Cap'n Crunch, and even the occasional Cinnamon Toast Crunch. There are smoothies, too.
For the lactose intolerant or uninterested, there’s shaved ice topped with homemade syrup, fruit, yogurt, and chewy mochi."
And here are pictures:

The last picture is so ironic. HAHA!
Yeah, so I had cravings for frozen yogurt (it's low fat whoo!) and I went to the trusty neighbourhood NTUC Fairprice to find some.
Alas, it was no where in sight.
So I decided to make some of my own!
I got Ski Divine's Wild Strawberry:
It's amazing by itself already, I'm telling you.
So I took out a bit and put it into my freezer.After about half an hour, it looked like this:
The sides were all frozen but the middle was still kinda flowy. But it was soooooooo delicious.
You know, I think I should open a frozen yogurt shop alongside the coffee joint I'm planning (and I WILL) open when I get a good capital.Young Entreprenuer of The Year Award, here I come!ROFL!I changed my bedsheets too.Goodbye black/white:
Hello, err...colours:
Funny thing is how the bedsheet's colours look a lot like those on my sofa:
They're both from Ikea, though. So..not much of a surprise there.Yeah. I think I better end here.Gotta start on my TSD and enjoy my muruku:
HAHA I'm so lame!
I love how the colours came out, though.
I failed.
After a few hours of basking in my 'resourcefulness' and clearing my trophy cabinet (imaginary, of course) in light of my future Young Entreprenuer Award, my frozen yogurt plan died.
Well, it came out harder than expected. (oh my God it sounds so wrong)
It's now more of like frozen popsicles.
Pictures, much?

Oh, and for the pictures with the spoon, I was DIGGING with all my strength.
At least it's still edible.
My mom thought that I'll get food poisoning and die or something.