16 February 2007
"...the photographs your boyfriend best friend took"
I was looking through the pictures I took with the crew aka BFFs and they were so cute! So I decided to post some up. This is only maybe 5% of the total pictures taken. Sup, camwhores.
ZOMG. We look ridiculous. W/ Gina, Germ, Von.
AWWWW. The fools :]
SO EMO! HAHAHA! W/ Germ and Bibbles.

Grad Night. So pretty lah! (L-R: Pearlyn, Germ, Bibbles, Gina)
Grad Night again. W/ Bhavna.
Me and Sufie at the museum lavatory. We're just too cool.
I took this picture. Ain't it amazing? HAHA. Clockwise from left: Preethi, Germ, Von, Pearlo, Gina, Sufie, Bibbles.
Sufie and I look like little boys.
Me, Preethi, Fan.
ROFL, Bibbles!
Aww. The crew minus Preethi and Bhavna.
I'm so gangsta!

W/ Pearlo the birthday girl!!

W/ Sufie at Pizza Hut. We look drunk.

W/ Bibbles. We decided to try dresses one day.
W/ Bhavna.
After the O level results. THE ENTIRE CREW. WHOOOT!
ZE END. (For now)
15 February 2007
"You were always born a crime,We salute you in your grave."I've been lazy in updating. Mwahahaha.
Anyway, life's been awesome. My life in JC is super fun and I've made amazing new friends. My O level results was...satisfactory. 1 A1 + 6 A2s + 1 B3 = 11 points.
The irony lies in the fact that my A Math was my best subject. WTH!
My combined humanities grade was B3.
Aaaaaaaaaand, to top it all off, my physics grade was A2.
My WORST, and may I say it again, WORST, subject was ON PAR with my other better subjects!
God, the only time I passed physics was during the prelims. And it wasn't a good pass, at all.
Hold on. Did I even pass? ROFL. I don't really care.
Anyway, I'm sticking my ass in TPJC. WHOOT!
*goes into random mode*
Okay, a general observation from others about me.
I look fierce/emo when I do not smile.
I suppose I do. My parents look fierce when they don't smile too. Plus, I don't have random strangers coming up to say hi (hello Sufie). It's good in a way because I don't have to worry about spending a bulk of my allowance donating to 82384982989434 different organisations while walking through the bus interchange. It's not that I'm not generous, because I love helping the poor, but there is a limit to what I can donate. Plus, it's not even my money.
Oh, and the emo thing. Geez. I'm not emo. I don't cut myself (in fact, I never did). And I'm straight edge so you won't see a drunk/stoned/high Melissa swaggering around anytime soon.
As I have said before, the teen angst days are gone and all my stupid suicidal thoughts have been banished.
It wasn't doing any good for me at all. Nothing in my mind grew, only my warped attitude towards life.
I'm glad that all this has changed, because now I feel so much better about my life.
I suppose I have a really screwed up mind. I have two sides. The good and the bad side. I guess everyone does too.
But for me, both sides are constantly at war with each other. So much that I am pushed to tell my bad side to shut up all the time.
Yeah, super odd, but it's true.
That's also why I call myself melissaWAR. (See! Deep right?)
My bad side constantly pushes me to criticise others, do bad stuff and at times, question if God really does exist.
Thankfully, I quickly remember all the blessings in my life and I'm back to the good old faithful Catholic that I am :]
I mean, I'm in no position to comment, but God for me is personal. Someone that I can talk and rely on when everyone has abandoned me.
Some people view others like me as apathetic just because we do not go for fellowship sessions and outwardly proclaim the word of God.
I mean, prayer for me is being all alone in any location and just talking to God about my problems and to place everything in His hands. That's all.
Alright this post has been long enough.
Haha, maybe not. I'm just feeling tired. *evil laugh*
Okay, love to you people out there and spread the belated valentine's day love!